Getting back to rhythm...

Since the last blog post, lots of stuff has happened. I got sick during the following midweek and took some time to recover completely. When you’re sick and can’t do many things, you think the world should stop and all your affairs should stop, as your body is taking its time to heal. Sadly, that doesn’t happen, and all your work piles up. There’s the old things you had that paused, but there are new things too, which you couldn’t get to because you were sick.

This isn’t only for adults, but, back when you were in school, if you were sick and couldn’t go to school, yes, you wouldn’t have added homework to do. But, the chapters being taught, and other things would continue on, which you later would have to catch on to. The whole point is that the world moves on, with or without you.

So, after I caught up with most of the things I missed, I decided not to procrastinate much and contribute to some open-source projects, which I find interesting or were in my interests for some time. I contributed a simple patch to Thunar which is a file manager for Xfce.

If you are not familiar with XFCE or how it works, I will explain it in my next blog. I wanted to contribute to XFCE because it is purely C and GTK for core components, and it emphasizes being fast and lightweight. It works well on low-spec machines, which makes it an intriguing desktop environment to learn more about. I intend to provide further updates on this matter in my forthcoming blog and anticipate submitting additional merge requests, as I have identified certain issues that require resolution.

See you next week!